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Eyesight FAQ

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My Child's Eyesight
How The Eye Works

My Child's Eyesight

80% of your child's learning is visual. It is important to look after your child's eyesight.  It is difficult to know whether your child's vision is okay, as a child will rarely complain. Children will often adjust and don't realise that they should be seeing things more clearly. It is important as a a parent to look out for signs that may give you an indication that your child may have a vision problem.


Signs to look out for include
- Holding reading material closer than normal
- The use of a finger to maintain his/her position when reading 
- Losing their position on a page
- Rubbing their eyes frequently
- Has headaches
- Turns or tilts their head so that they are using one eye
- Performs below their potential
- Bumping into or tripping over things 

If you have any concerns tell our optometrist about the symptoms your child may be displaying.

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How The Eye Works

A human eye gives the sharpest vision when it is perfectly spherical. Distortion occurs when either the eyeball or the cornea are slightly out of round This causes a range of vision conditions known as astigmatism, myopia, or hyperopia.

The coloured ring of the eye, the iris, controls the amount of light allowed into the eye. It automatically opens (dilates) and closes (contracts) the pupil when the light around you changes. Light travels through a small hole, the pupil. Muscles inside the eye automatically change the shape of the lens to focus an upside-down image on the light-sensitive cells of the retina. This delicate sheet of light-sensitive nerve tissue collects and transmits images to the brain via the optic nerve.

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